www.specialoffers.visa.com – Visa Card Offers Review



Browse a wide variety of card offers and exclusive deals, including food and wine, shopping, sports, entertainment, and more.

In order to find a card for you please visit www.specialoffers.visa.com and follow the on-screen instructions.

You must be a legal resident of the United States in order to apply.

Any questions about the Visa Special Offer promotion can be directed to .

Read More: Home Depot Apply Now Offer

Special Offers Visa Customer Service

If you are a customer or vendor experiencing, or being affected by, a security incident that is caused by, or may impact, a Visa product or service, please emailĀ security@visa.com.

Please note Visa has over 16,000 financial institution clients that issue their own Visa cards and sign up merchants to accept them. These institutions set the terms and conditions for their merchant relationships and, therefore, handle all customer service matters relating to them. – usa.visa.com/contact-us

Dine out often? Please read the Best Credit Card for Foodies!

Visa Sponsorship

If you own a business and would like Visa to provide support please mail them at Event and Sponsorship Marketing Dept. Visa USA P.O. Box 8999 San Francisco, CA 94128-8999.

Into Baseball Cards? Read How to make money in baseball cards

The current logo began appearing on Visa cards as well as in advertising, marketing and online communications in January 2006.